October 11, 2013 Laura MacCormac
Regardless of where you go in this great country of ours, the one thing that pops into people’s minds when you mention Vancouver is the notoriously wet weather condition which pummel the city with as many as two hundred and fifty days of rainfall annually. For those in the roofing industry, it is a mixed blessing. On one hand, the constant barrage of water means that business is rarely slow, but it also means that completing large jobs can be a challenging feat at the best of times.
What few people realize is that for larger, more reputable companies such as Design Roofing, the weather can often be the single largest factor in deciding how quickly jobs can be done. For this reason, most experts recommend booking routine maintenance well in advance. Not only will performing regular maintenance allow you to rest at ease knowing your home or business has been brought up to par before potential damage has had the chance to accrue, but you will also guarantee your time slot, which can save you from quite literally being left out in the rain.
Although regular maintenance is recommended at least twice per year, the stakes are simply higher when it comes to winter maintenance. Frigid temperatures can cause the freezing of water trapped within a building’s structure, which will in turn expand, leaving even more damage in its wake. Roofing contractors in Vancouver report seeing it time and time again; damage that is visible to the naked eye, but not taken seriously can lead to an expensive repair bill at best…as well as a dangerous situation for anyone living or working in the building.
If you live in the Vancouver area, don’t wait for the problem to find you. Simply contact your local qualified professional today and make the call that could very well save your home or business.